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July 2021 Speaker Election

Elections    6 Replies

Courelli, 07-08-2021, 04:55 PM

[Image: 240px-Seal_of_the_Open_Parliament.png]
July 2021 Election
for Speaker of the Union

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Social Liberal Union, an election for the office of Speaker of the Union will be held for a period of one week within 48 hours after the close of nominations. Nominations open on Thursday, 8 July 2021 at 17:00 UTC and close on Thursday, 15 July 2021 at 17:00 UTC.

The Speaker of the Union has authorized and directed that I serve as Election Administrator for this particular election and I will faithfully and impartially execute the duties of this role.


The powers and duties of the Speaker are primarily detailed in Article 3Constitution, but a summary and outline may be found here.

The term of office is five months, as specified in the certificate of election, which will be issued in due form once voting has concluded and the ballots are canvassed, tabulated, and certified according to law. The term for this office may only be renewed once consecutively.


Any Member State may, if eligible, nominate themselves for this office, or, subject to their acceptance, another eligible Member State. The requirements to hold the office are as follows:

1) Must be a current Member State in accordance with the Constitution; and
2) Must have been a Member State for at least two months; and
3) Must not have served two consecutive terms as Speaker immediately preceding this election.




'+' denotes that the candidate has pledged to conduct their campaign in accordance with the Code of Fair Campaign Practices.

  Open Thread

Embassies with The South Pacific?

Executive and the Cabinet    3 Replies

Goncar, 07-03-2021, 03:49 PM

Should we build an in-game embassy with TSP?

  Open Thread

Joint Foreign Affairs Campaign (Goncar-Anaaxes)

Elections    1 Replies

Goncar, 06-10-2021, 04:12 AM

Hello SLU!
It is election season once again and I come to you asking you for your vote. However, not only for myself but for my running mate, Anaaxes, who is to be deputy if all were to be according to plan.

I am sure many questions starting with How qualified are you two?

While I’ll let Anaaxes go more in detail about himself, I am the current Minister of Foreign Affairs and have been for awhile now. I’ve also had the honor of being the WA Delegate of the SLU between Fall 2018 and Summer 2019 which works hand in hand with the MoFA as diplomats on the international level. I have also served as MoFA in 2013 and 2014, one of which I believe was part of the delegacy of Anaaxes. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs doesn’t handle Foreign Affairs per se. It also handles Defense which merged into the ministry many years ago. I was the second Minister of Defense and for many delegacies since the merge, have acted as the CUSA/CUDA Director(our head Intel Agency).

What is it that put you two above others for the positions of MoFA and DMoFA?

Experience. Experience. Experience. Knowing how to handle a situation is the number one thing working in FA. There have been a fair share of times where I have had to go into a region and talk and represent the region regardless of whether they liked at that time or not. This particular term is important for the Cabinet to be relatively experienced because I think we would all like to support our new Delegate as best as possible and make sure everything runs smoothly.

What new things will be brought to FA Ministry should you be elected?

The first thing that would really be reintroduced from my delegacy is FA-voice chats. This may happen weekly or biweekly where people from other regions will be invited to come and hang out and talk. I’m also in talks with current and (hopefully!) future Domestic Affairs Minister North American Republics about international game nights among our embassies. In regards to our embassies, we are always looking around for new ones and there are few I’ll be pitching here shortly. Lastly, my main goal is to get a full team of ambassadors that don’t double up and also a full team of in CUSA/CUDA... ultimately being fully staffed would be my goal.

If you have read this, thank you for your time.... Have a cookie (:Smile! It would be an absolute honor and continue serving the SLU community. If you have any questions that I or Anaaxes didn’t answer, feel free to leave them below and we will get back to you as soon as soon as we can!

  Open Thread

Erynia and Draconia for Minister of Immigration

Elections    No Replies

Erynia and Draconia, 06-09-2021, 02:08 PM

Hello everyone,

I am Erynia and Draconia, and I am running for Minister of Immigration in the June 2021 Ministerial Elections. Since I joined the Social Liberal Union in November, I have seen how welcoming everyone is and what a wonderful community we have. If I’m elected as Minister of Immigration, I want to continue this by making sure all new nations feel welcome in our region.

Why should you vote for me?
- I’m frequently on the regional message board (RMB) and the discord server, so I can be there to welcome new nations and make sure they comply with the constitution.
- I want all newcomers to feel welcome in our region, and I will help by welcoming new nations on the RMB and the discord.
- I am familiar with our constitution and will always act in accordance to it. I am aware of the duties of this office and the responsibility that comes along with it.
- I am currently serving as Ambassador to the Union of Democratic States and Journalist for the Union Tribune.

Thank you for reading this, and if you have any questions for me, DM me on discord or send me a telegram. Have a great day, and have a cookie (::)

- Erynia and Draconia

  Open Thread

Prplian-Carinian Foreign Affairs Joint-Ticket

Elections    1 Replies

Prplia, 06-08-2021, 04:58 AM

Hello Comrades,

As you may have seen, Cairan and I, will be conducting a joint-ticket campaign, with Cairan for DMoFA, and I for MoFA. What makes us qualified for the positions? I'll let Cairan talk about their qualifications but, I believe that I am qualified to hold the position of MoFA because of my extensive background in Foreign Affairs
-Becoming the Ambassador to multiple regions such as The Communist Bloc, Europeia, Wintercrest, and South Pacific
-Becoming the 2nd Secretary of World Assembly Affairs
-Serving as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
I would also like to notice that my running-mate is currently ambassador to Wintercrest.
Why vote for us?
Well, first of all, we would make sure that high levels of cooperation are present in the Ministry, which have recently fell due to a lack of activeness in our region, and what I think would help us with our quest of finding new people, would be to increase our levels of relations with multiple non-embassy regions such as, Europeia, and The North Pacific, both of which are huge regions. Which brings me to our next point, to increase inter-regional interaction. This is very important because, it will make our name be known as an active region filled with nice people, and not just 'that one region that got couped', which I'm surprised to find, is what most foreign nations think of our region. Finally, I feel as if our unity, regional, and inter-regional, needs a re-vamp, one of which, we can bring. Most importantly, we seek to strengthen our relations with allies, and to create new bonds with regions new and old.

This wont be easy, of course, and we could use your support in this journey, by voting for our joint-ticket; We would be humbled to accept your support if you so gladly offer.
Feel free to raise any questions, comments, or concerns you may have, either via discord DM (Cai: HaywardHHayward#6969, Prpl: prpl#0420), comments on this post, or NationStates telegram!

Lastly, I would like to thank you for taking time out of your day to read our campaign, and I hope you have a great one!

  Open Thread

June 2021 Ministerial Nominations and Information

Elections    16 Replies

Helvurium, 06-06-2021, 01:30 PM

[Image: 240px-Seal_of_the_Open_Parliament.png]
Nominations for the
June 2021
Ministerial Elections

In accordance with Article 6, Section 1 of the Third Constitution of the Social Liberal Union, a Ministerial election is now triggered.

I, Helvurium, will serve as Election Administrator and shall execute the duties of this role to the best of my ability.

The powers and duties of the Ministerial positions are primarily detailed in Article 6 of the Constitution, but more digestible outlines may be found at these locations:
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Domestic Affairs
Minister of Immigration

Nominations shall begin on 14:30 UTC on 06 June 2021, and shall last for seven (7) days, concluding at 14:30 UTC on 13 June 2021, after which voting shall commence.

Any eligible Member State may nominate themselves or another eligible Member State, subject to their acceptance, for any Ministerial position.
Eligibility Requirements
A candidate for Ministerial office must be a current Member State not otherwise disqualified from holding office by the Court of Justice.

Foreign Affairs:

Domestic Affairs:

Foreign Affairs: Prplia, Cairan, Goncar, Anaaxes

Domestic Affairs: North American Republics

Immigration: Erynia And Draconia, Courelli

  Open Thread

Brys Questions For Delegate

Elections    1 Replies

BrysQuestions, 05-26-2021, 07:19 PM

Hello friends,
I am Brys Questions, a 3 year member of the Social Liberal Union, I have served under the positions of and currently,
-Former Speaker Pro Tempore Under Jyskmark
-20th Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
-27th Minister of Immigration
- Current Ambassador to The East Pacific and The North Pacific
I have seen this region grow and prosper in these 3 years of me being here with one of the greatest communities that we the people have built, even through tragedies that occurred in December of 2020, we still managed to pull through and rebuild greater than before, even with a more active rmb. To continue the great process Delegate Helvurium and Courelli has helped contribute, I hope as delegate I can contribute to making the region great as it is, because we do in all honesty, have the best community on ns. If elected aswell, I will proudly serve as delegate of THE SOCIAL LIBERL UNION!!!

Now, we have had a very major decrease of nations in the region the past few months due to lots of ctes, although about 48% of the region has there wa here, which is good. As I am currently Minister of Immigration, I could help increase this, which I've been doing with buying stamps and sending them out, although if I'm elected i hope to increase the population back up to 200 with who is the next Minister of Immigration.

Now I must say as well, us being a small region of around 155 (at time of writing) is not a bad thing either, what good with us being a low number is that we have a good amount of activity, some on the RMB and our discord as well, and our discord is mostly almost always active with different types of conversations and recent new discussion or almost any topic. If our region does stay below 200, and we have lots of activity still on the RMB and discord, that is still great, I plan on texting on the RMB more, and If your reading this, I suggest you do too Smile. We also have a Minecraft server now, which we have a channel for it on the discord and that has helped gain some momentum with Nsleft member, and hopefully we can have more people join it that is provided by Helvurium and Koiho.
We also have some neat events coming up in the DA department, with NAR and Toonela working on some very neat things that will happen in the near future that id like to help promote, some other members of our region will also host some events hopefully in the near future. (If you haven't joined the discord yet, don't be shy, here is the link
I wish as a delegate, to have an increase in domestic activity and work more with the DA department to do some fun things that people could have access to do.

My stance on Foreign Affairs: MOFA Goncar has done a great job here and I'm not sure how id help expect help find ambassadors if needed and not ruin relationships with other regions Smile

I thank you for reading what i have to say, I will take ANY type of question you have below, or you can contact me via telegram, or my discord is "ava!#0022", you may also ping me in the region chat of The Social Liberal Union "#region" chat
I am exited to run as delegate for this great region I call home and the greatest community on Nation States, hope yall have an excellent day, and I wish luck to my opponent/s, which so far is Ramelia, goodluck.

  Open Thread

June 2021 Delegate Election

Elections    4 Replies

Anaaxes, 05-23-2021, 12:57 AM

[Image: 240px-Seal_of_the_Open_Parliament.png]
June 2021 Election
for World Assembly Delegate

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Social Liberal Union, an election for the office of World Assembly Delegate will be held for a period of one week within 48 hours after the close of nominations. Nominations open on Sunday, 23 May 2021 at 01:00 UTC and close on Sunday, 30 May 2021 at 01:00 UTC.

The Speaker of the Union has authorized and directed that I serve as Election Administrator for this particular election and I will faithfully and impartially execute the duties of this role.


The powers and duties of the Delegate are primarily detailed in Articles 5 and 6 of the Constitution, but a summary and outline may be found here.

The term of office is four months, as specified in the certificate of election, which will be issued in due form once voting has concluded and the ballots are canvassed, tabulated, and certified according to law. The term for this office may only be renewed once consecutively.


Any Member State may, if eligible, nominate themselves for this office, or, subject to their acceptance, another eligible Member State. The requirements to hold the office are as follows:

1) Must be a current Member State in accordance with the Constitution; and
2) Must be a member of the World Assembly; and
3) Must have been a Member State for at least three months; and
4) Must not have served two consecutive terms as Delegate immediately preceding this election.



Candidates: Brys Questions+, Ramelia+

'+' denotes that the candidate has pledged to conduct their campaign in accordance with the Code of Fair Campaign Practices.

  Open Thread

Voting on an Amendment to Solidarity Pact of the NSLeft

The Open Parliament    No Replies

Anaaxes, 05-18-2021, 04:41 AM

At the direction of the Speaker of the Union, I am putting to vote the following proposed amendment to the NSLeft Solidarity Pact:

Article 3, Section 3.1.4 will have the following clause added:

" The Central Committee reserves the right to appoint editors to oversee the publication of The Red + Black, and the right to remove editors.

The entirety of Article 3, Section 4. will be removed from the Solidarity Pact.

You may read the entirety of the Solidarity Pact as it currently reads here.

Voting shall last for 7 days. Any amendment to the Solidarity Pact is not effective until at least a 2/3rds majority of member regions approve it. Any region which does not vote within 12 days shall be deemed to have abstained.

If at least a majority of the SLU comrades vote to approve this amendment, then the SLU government shall notify the Secretary of the NSLeft Central Committee of that fact.

  Open Thread

Founder Nation Trustee and Backup Region Administrator Reports

The Open Parliament    19 Replies

Anaaxes, 04-05-2021, 09:44 PM

[Image: 240px-Seal_of_the_Open_Parliament.png]

Reports to the Open Parliament from the
Trustees of the Founder Nation and the Administrators of the Backup Region

This thread is provided for the convenience of the Open Parliament and the officers who are required to make regular reports to it.
However, this thread is not necessarily the exclusive place for posting such reports.



Following the Coup of December 2020 and the resulting changes to the constitutional status of the Founder in the Social Liberal Union, the Founder Nation (Government of the Social Liberal Union) was reduced to an administrative role that was to be collectively administered by three "Trustees" appointed by the Open Parliament. The backup region's founder account (SLU Government) was similarly placed under the care of two "Administrators." On 2 February 2021, the Open Parliament enacted Amendment 1 to the Uniform Vacancies and Incapacities Determination Act, which requires that:

Quote:Trustees of the Founder Nation and administrators of the backup region founder nation shall provide reports to the floor of the Open Parliament affirming that they have access to the founder account they are respectively responsible for the maintenance of, under penalty of perjury. Such reports shall be filed at least ( a ) once within January; ( b ) once within April; ( c ) once within July; ( d ) once within October; ( e ) within two days of the declaration of a State of Emergency pursuant to the Constitution; and ( f ) within two days of a request by the lawful Delegate. Any relevant State which fails to provide said report shall be considered incapacitated. Such incapacity shall be considered terminated upon a new filing pursuant to this Section.

After an officer required to make a report under the Act has verified they have access to the account which they are responsible for, the following template can be used to make a report to the Open Parliament that complies with the Act and other laws concerning certifications under penalty of perjury:

In accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Vacancies and Incapacities Determination Act, I hereby report to the Open Parliament that on this day, (date), I have access to the founder account of the (region/backup region).

I, (name), certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the Social Liberal Union that the foregoing is true and correct.

  Open Thread