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Amendment 11 to the World Assembly Membership Requirement Waiver Resolution

The Open Parliament    1 Replies

BrysQuestions, 04-01-2021, 03:21 AM
"This Amendment updates the list of waivers to remove the following inactive nations:

Decadent Afternoon Tea
Libera Espero
North Isseggggnignigsegigisegggg Islands
Paguio Empire
Roman Socialists
Shemp Island

The Resolution, except the preamble, shall be amended to read as follows:

Section 1. Granting of Waivers
Pursuant to Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution, the following nations are hereby granted waivers to the World Assembly requirement for Member State status:

Brys Questions
Fantasma Izquierdo
Lost Slokasians
Normandy and Picardy
Podria in SLU
Wascoitan in SLU

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Amendment 10 to the World Assembly Membership Requirement Waiver Resolution

The Open Parliament    1 Replies

Helvurium, 03-22-2021, 10:47 PM

Hello! I am proposing Amendment 10 to the World Assembly Membership Requirement Waiver Resolution which gives Lost Slokasians a waiver.

Feel free to discuss below!

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On the Accession of Wintercrest into the NSLeft

The Open Parliament    No Replies

Helvurium, 03-10-2021, 10:39 PM

The following vote provides for the accession of Wintercrest into the NSLeft as a Member Region, of which their application of admittance may be found here.

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On the Accession of the Wintercrest into the NSLeft (2021)

The Open Parliament    No Replies

BrysQuestions, 03-10-2021, 02:43 PM

"Applauding the ideological and values similarities between ourselves and Wintercrest and on the hopes that we will grow stronger as a mutual defence pact, the Open Parliament hereby submits its approval of the accession of Wintercrest into NSleft."
Wintercrest has applied to join NSLeft and that can be found here:

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March 2021 Chancellor Election

Election Information Archive    6 Replies

Helvurium, 03-05-2021, 03:19 PM

[Image: 240px-Seal_of_the_Open_Parliament.png]
March 2021 Election
for Chancellor

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with the Constitution of the Social Liberal Union, an election for the office of Chancellor will be held for a period of one week within 48 hours after nominations close. Nominations open on Friday, 5th of March 2021 at 15:20 UTC and close on Friday, 12th of March 2021 at 15:20 UTC.

I, Helvurium, in my capacity as Speaker of the Union have appointed myself Election Administrator in accordance with the law, and will faithfully and impartially execute the duties of this role.


The powers and duties of the Chancellor are primarily detailed in Articles 9 of the Constitution, but a summary and outline may be found here.

The term of office is five months, as specified in the certificate of election, which will be issued in due form once voting has concluded and the ballots are canvassed, tabulated, and certified according to law. The term for this office may only be renewed once consecutively.


Any Member State may, if eligible, nominate themselves for this office, or, subject to their acceptance, another eligible Member State.

1) The nominee must be a current Member State in accordance with the Constitution; and
2) The nominee must have been a Member for at least two months prior to 12th of March 2021 (the date on which voting for this office is expected to end); and
3) The nominee must not have served two consecutive terms as Chancellor immediately preceding this election.



Candidates: Ramelia+, An-Astral+

'+' denotes that the candidate has pledged to conduct their campaign in accordance with the Code of Fair Campaign Practices.

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Census Act

The Open Parliament    2 Replies

Aeoa, 03-03-2021, 09:15 PM

I was inspired by TLA's presentation of its census records and would like to draft a bill instituting a voluntary, biannual census in the SLU. I am reaching out to see if anyone would like to collaborate on this bill with me!

So far I have these notes:

- Voluntary census every 6 months (Feb and Aug?)
- Managed by Ministry of Domestic Affairs
- Demographics
----- Age
----- Gender
----- Country of Residence
----- Primary Language
----- Secondary Language
----- Education Level
----- Regional Residence
----- Field of study/work

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Lie about the Person Above You

General Discussions and Games    7 Replies

BrysQuestions, 02-22-2021, 03:13 AM

Doesn't need to be a complete sentence, just lie about the person above

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King/Queen/Sovereign of the hill

General Discussions and Games    26 Replies

BrysQuestions, 02-22-2021, 02:06 AM

Rules are pretty simple, last poster to post is the king, queen, or sovereign (depending on gender). there is no set time limit and you must come up with a way to remove the above poster from the hill and then claim dominance. 
I found this hill, therefore, I AM THE QUEEN OF THIS HILL

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Word Association!

General Discussions and Games    18 Replies

BrysQuestions, 02-22-2021, 01:54 AM

ill start,

  Open Thread

Toonela for Domestic Affairs

Election Information Archive    No Replies

wateryfoothill, 02-22-2021, 12:21 AM

Hello everyone, 

The time has come for me to once again ask for your vote in the upcoming election for the Ministry of Domestic Affairs! I have been a member of the SLU for almost a full year now, and have served as Deputy Minister of Domestic Affairs since the commencement of the prior term. During that time I've aided in the visual design of the upcoming 'Union Tribune' project, been present for and helped manage the SLU's WFE during the coup by our former founder Ainland, and took the initiative to organize and see through the Dungeons and Dragons game for our tenth anniversary celebrations, in spite of delays which endangered its completion. I also believe I have done well, outside of my official role, to be a reasonable voice among your own voices in our Discord and on the RMB when points of controversy have been raised. 

Unfortunately, I cannot roll out the same platform pledges I have made in the past during this campaign. While I would be committed to the continuance and completion of a newsletter or news posting site should I become your Minister, and would seek additional ways to boost activity here on the forum and on-site via more regular use of polling for the introduction of member state driven activities to the Ministry's portfolio, I want to be honest with you: my desires lie with continuing in my role as Deputy Minister (due in large part to my own personal endeavors off NS intensifying over the coming months). 

For that reason, in this election, I would strongly encourage the voting community to mark me as their second pick in this election, and mark North American Republics as their first pick, so we might continue our efforts bettering the Social Liberal Union together

As always, please message me or comment below if you have any questions! I can elaborate on my plans for the Ministry, my personal commitments off-site, etc. I love talking to and serving y'all to the best of my abilities : ) 

Thank you,

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