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Census Act

The Open Parliament    2 Replies

Aeoa, 03-03-2021, 09:15 PM

I was inspired by TLA's presentation of its census records and would like to draft a bill instituting a voluntary, biannual census in the SLU. I am reaching out to see if anyone would like to collaborate on this bill with me!

So far I have these notes:

- Voluntary census every 6 months (Feb and Aug?)
- Managed by Ministry of Domestic Affairs
- Demographics
----- Age
----- Gender
----- Country of Residence
----- Primary Language
----- Secondary Language
----- Education Level
----- Regional Residence
----- Field of study/work

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Lie about the Person Above You

General Discussions and Games    7 Replies

BrysQuestions, 02-22-2021, 03:13 AM

Doesn't need to be a complete sentence, just lie about the person above

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King/Queen/Sovereign of the hill

General Discussions and Games    26 Replies

BrysQuestions, 02-22-2021, 02:06 AM

Rules are pretty simple, last poster to post is the king, queen, or sovereign (depending on gender). there is no set time limit and you must come up with a way to remove the above poster from the hill and then claim dominance. 
I found this hill, therefore, I AM THE QUEEN OF THIS HILL

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Word Association!

General Discussions and Games    18 Replies

BrysQuestions, 02-22-2021, 01:54 AM

ill start,

  Open Thread

Toonela for Domestic Affairs

Election Information Archive    No Replies

wateryfoothill, 02-22-2021, 12:21 AM

Hello everyone, 

The time has come for me to once again ask for your vote in the upcoming election for the Ministry of Domestic Affairs! I have been a member of the SLU for almost a full year now, and have served as Deputy Minister of Domestic Affairs since the commencement of the prior term. During that time I've aided in the visual design of the upcoming 'Union Tribune' project, been present for and helped manage the SLU's WFE during the coup by our former founder Ainland, and took the initiative to organize and see through the Dungeons and Dragons game for our tenth anniversary celebrations, in spite of delays which endangered its completion. I also believe I have done well, outside of my official role, to be a reasonable voice among your own voices in our Discord and on the RMB when points of controversy have been raised. 

Unfortunately, I cannot roll out the same platform pledges I have made in the past during this campaign. While I would be committed to the continuance and completion of a newsletter or news posting site should I become your Minister, and would seek additional ways to boost activity here on the forum and on-site via more regular use of polling for the introduction of member state driven activities to the Ministry's portfolio, I want to be honest with you: my desires lie with continuing in my role as Deputy Minister (due in large part to my own personal endeavors off NS intensifying over the coming months). 

For that reason, in this election, I would strongly encourage the voting community to mark me as their second pick in this election, and mark North American Republics as their first pick, so we might continue our efforts bettering the Social Liberal Union together

As always, please message me or comment below if you have any questions! I can elaborate on my plans for the Ministry, my personal commitments off-site, etc. I love talking to and serving y'all to the best of my abilities : ) 

Thank you,

  Open Thread

North American Republics for Domestic Affairs

Election Information Archive    No Replies

northamerican, 02-19-2021, 12:51 AM

North American Republics for Minister of Domestic Affairs
Hello there! I am seeking re-election as Minister of Domestic Affairs and I need your help to accomplish that. I hope you'll stick around to find out why you should vote for NAR.

My history with the region goes back 9 years and just over 220 days. In that time I have served in multiple roles in regional government, but I also stood by the sidelines as I welcomed new nations into the government fold when they have come through. I have worked tirelessly to increase engagement in the region throughout my tenure as minister, from rebuilding the backend of our unparalleled voting system and expanding its scope to sponsoring community engagement opportunities like Council of Leaders programmes. Whenever a member state decides they want to take initiative and conduct their own activities, I do not interfere, but seek opportunities to engage more people in them.

The Ministry of Domestic Affairs under me will continue its development of peripheral programs to NationStates while fostering the development of our membership who want to engage with the region. One item that has been a perpetual thorn in my side has been the lack of a regional newspaper. I pledge that we will launch a revamped newspaper called the "Union Tribune" that will allow our membership to submit their own articles automatically, both in-character and out-of-character. All entries will be subject to NationStates and regional acceptable language and images, but I want to empower our members to throw their own ideas out onto the big stage for all to see. Coupling regular articles will be a regional blast to let people know what they're missing by not checking us out.

As always, I pledge to be an open book, I look forward to questions and comments from our membership regarding Domestic Affairs and events, and I welcome constructive criticism as it allows me to develop alongside all of you. When it comes down to the vote, I hope you put me down as your first choice. Even if you are not yet convinced, I am more than willing to address your concerns and seek a resolution that works for you.

Thank you.

  Open Thread

Prplia for Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Election Information Archive    No Replies

Prplia, 02-17-2021, 06:39 AM

Hello Comrades, 

I'm happy and proud to announce that I will be running for the position of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. I pledge to fulfill all promises made by myself in order to better our region of The Social Liberal Union. If I were to earn the votes of the people, I would work in full to help the will be Minister of Foreign Affairs, and to let the concerns of all parties including other regions and our own be heard. Not stopping there, the protection of our Region is very important to me as it is most likely to all of you, especially in the wake of the recent coup bought upon us by the then founder, Ainland; So, I pledge to the best of my ability, care and protect our great region from outer attempts to harm the SLU. 
Possibly most importantly, I seek to strengthen our relations with allies and I seek also to create new bonds with regions new and old. As for the Wintercrest Referendum, it seems overwhelmingly supported by members of the government and member-states, that the Social Liberal Union and Wintercrest should start the process of constructing embassies between one another; I support the idea because, Wintercrest I believe they be a great ally and I would love the chance to strengthen bonds with them.

How do you vote for a Deputy? Simple, just put your choice for Minister as your first choice, and deputy as your second on your ballot.
Feel free to raise any questions, comments, or concerns you may have, either via discord DM, comments on this post, or NationStates telegram!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I would be humbled if you were to consider voting for me, Prplia, your friendly FA secretary.

  Open Thread

March 2021 Ministerial Elections

Election Information Archive    12 Replies

Anaaxes, 02-16-2021, 02:50 AM

[Image: 240px-Seal_of_the_Open_Parliament.png]
March 2021 Election for Ministers of
Foreign Affairs, Domestic Affairs, and Immigration

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with the Constitution of the Social Liberal Union, an election for the offices of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Domestic Affairs, and Minister of Immigration, which are required to occur after a World Assembly Delegate election, will be held for a period of one week within 48 hours after nominations close. Nominations open on Tuesday, 16 February 2021 at 02:30 UTC and close on Tuesday, 23 February 2021 at 02:30 UTC.

I, Anaaxes, in my capacity as Acting Speaker of the Union have appointed myself Election Administrator in accordance with the law, and will faithfully and impartially execute the duties of this role.


The powers and duties of the Ministers are primarily detailed in Article 6 of the Constitution, but a summary and outline of each office can be found below:

- Minister of Foreign Affairs 
- Minister of Domestic Affairs
- Minister of Immigration

The term for each office is not fixed and there are no term limits. However, their tenure may be shorted if an early World Assembly Delegate election occurs due to resignation or removal from office. In ministerial elections, the winner is elected Minister and the runner-up is elected Deputy Minister.


Any Member State may, if eligible, nominate themselves for an office, or, subject to their acceptance, another eligible Member State. Please specify which ministerial office each nomination is being made for.

1) The nominee must be a current Member State in accordance with the Constitution; and
2) The nominee may only run for one ministerial office at one time, unless in a contest wherein nominations were extended due to an insufficient number of candidates.


Foreign Affairs Nominees: Goncar
Domestic Affairs Nominees: North American Republics, Toonela, Ramelia
Immigration Nominees: Koiho, Jyskmark

Foreign Affairs Candidates: Prplia+, 
Domestic Affairs Candidates:
Immigration Candidates: Brys Questions+

'+' denotes that the candidate has pledged to conduct their campaign in accordance with the Code of Fair Campaign Practices.

  Open Thread

March 2021 Speaker of the Union Election

Election Information Archive    6 Replies

Anaaxes, 02-16-2021, 02:28 AM

[Image: 240px-Seal_of_the_Open_Parliament.png]
March 2021 Election
for Speaker of the Union

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with the Constitution of the Social Liberal Union, an election for the office of Speaker of the Union, which became vacant on 13 February 2021, will be held for a period of one week within 48 hours after nominations close. Nominations open on Tuesday, 16 February 2021 at 02:30 UTC and close on Tuesday, 23 February 2021 at 02:30 UTC.

I, Anaaxes, in my capacity as Acting Speaker of the Union have appointed myself Election Administrator in accordance with the law, and will faithfully and impartially execute the duties of this role.


The powers and duties of the Speaker of the Union are primarily detailed in Articles 3 and 8 of the Constitution, but a summary and outline may be found here.

The term of office is four months, as specified in the certificate of election, which will be issued in due form once voting has concluded and the ballots are canvassed, tabulated, and certified according to law. The term for this office may only be renewed once consecutively.


Any Member State may, if eligible, nominate themselves for this office, or, subject to their acceptance, another eligible Member State.

1) The nominee must be a current Member State in accordance with the Constitution; and
2) The nominee must have been a Member for at least two months prior to 2 March 2021 (the date on which voting for this office is expected to end); and
3) The nominee must not have served two consecutive terms as Speaker immediately preceding this election.


Nominees: Anaaxes (Declined)

Candidates: Helvurium+, Hirematia+

'+' denotes that the candidate has pledged to conduct their campaign in accordance with the Code of Fair Campaign Practices.

  Open Thread

Embassy with Wintercrest?

Executive and the Cabinet    No Replies

Goncar, 02-15-2021, 01:09 AM
Should we open an embassy with Wintercrest?

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