Board Statistics
Totals Averages
Posts: 773
Threads: 187
Members: 107
Posts per day: 0.43
Threads per day: 0.1
Members per day: 0.06
Posts per member: 7.22
Threads per member: 1.75
Replies per thread: 3.13
Newest Member: Nexurian
Members who have posted: 52.34%
Today's top poster: Erynia and Draconia (1 posts)
Most popular forum: Elections (247 posts, 53 threads)
Top referrer: Ramelia (3 referrals)

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Most Replied To Threads Most Viewed Threads
Guess Who Will Post Next! (46 replies)
King/Queen/Sovereign of the hill (26 replies)
SLU Collegiate Football League (20 replies)
Founder Nation Trustee and Backup Region Administrator Reports (19 replies)
Word Association! (18 replies)
June-July 2020 Ministerial Elections Nominations and Information (16 replies)
June 2021 Ministerial Nominations and Information (16 replies)
October 2020 Ministerial Nominations and Information (13 replies)
October 2021 Ministerial Elections: Nominations and Information (13 replies)
February 2022 Ministerial Elections: Nominations and Information (12 replies)
March 2021 Ministerial Elections (12 replies)
Unusual Tourists (11 replies)
Guess Who Will Post Next! (76,824 views)
King/Queen/Sovereign of the hill (41,911 views)
SLU Collegiate Football League (36,953 views)
Welcome Thread (36,416 views)
June-July 2020 Ministerial Elections Nominations and Information (36,218 views)
Word Association! (32,270 views)
Founder Nation Trustee and Backup Region Administrator Reports (29,156 views)
June 2021 Ministerial Nominations and Information (26,315 views)
October 2020 Ministerial Nominations and Information (26,129 views)
March 2021 Ministerial Elections (24,798 views)
February 2021 Delegate Nominations (18,960 views)
May 2020 Chancellor Election (18,614 views)
May 2020 Speaker of the Union Election (18,250 views)
October 2021 Ministerial Elections: Nominations and Information (18,176 views)
Lie about the Person Above You (18,066 views)