Welcome Thread

2 Replies, 36415 Views

Welcome to the new SLU forum! Please feel free to drop a hello, give a little spiel about yourself, or just watch...ominously...

Have a cookie!
[Image: cookie.png]
Hello everyone! My name is Lalli (aka wateryfoothill), a new player of NationStates and representative of the nation of 'The Empire of Great Ohio Valley'. In-game, I have no idea what I'm doing because I'm very new, but out-of-game, I've been involved in (and often leading) the political organizing surrounding democratization and education reform in the little sliver of the country I now call home. I have some Model UN experience (recently graduated from college) from the last 8 or so years I hope will serve me well in this game! 

Hoping to speak with you all more often when I have time to get on Discord, but will be jotting down some things for my country's Factbook in the meantime, so everyone in our Union can see what the Great Ohio Valley is all about.
The Libertine Archdiarchy of Veszcota

[spoiler=Formerly:]The Holy Empire of Toonela
"Let justice be done, though the world perish"
World Assembly Delegate (2 terms)
Speaker pro Tempore
Deputy Minister of Domestic Affairs (2 terms)
Special Advisor to the Brysian Delegacy
Ambassador to Europeia
Ambassador to the South Pacific
Ambassador to South Pacific
Ambassador to Wintercrest
Hello, SLU! Just your friendly neighborhood Ratateague, here. I'm just now migrating from the old forums (as well as my old region). Here's to new horizons!

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