Amendment 2 to the Election Winner Documentation Resolution
This Resolution Amendment is a direct repeal of the target Resolution. R-8 suggests documentation of election results on the RMB and forum, but Amendment 1 to the Voting Reform and Fair Political Practices Act makes that a requirement of that Act. As such, R-8 is completely redundant and should be repealed.
Amendment 2 to the Voting Reform and Political Practices Act
This Act Amendment proposesĀ a major restructuring of the Voting Reform and Political Practices Act. It more reasonably regulates the voting portals based on recent experience and generally attempts to make provisions of the Act uniform as much as possible, among other revisions.
If passed, this Act Amendment would clarify certain ambiguous provisions of the Act, establish that provisions of Social Liberal Union law are generally severable, codify standards of proof and requirements for transmissions to Parliament to prevent abuse, and permit for civil action in cases of perceived criminal conduct.