Administrative Order Regarding the Standing Orders of the Court

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Administrative Order Regarding the Standing Orders of the Court

Pursuant to the Court's inherent administrative power and the authorities contained in the Legal Fundamentals Act, as amended, the following schedule shall be considered the exhaustive list of all current Standing Orders of the Court henceforth in effect, including any re-numbering of the Standing Orders as set forth therein. Any blank Standing Order issued pursuant to an interim order, dated 26 February 2020 and not contained in the following revised schedule are hereby revoked and discontinued. To the extent that the schedule re-numbers Standing Orders or modifies their current titles, such revisions are confirmed and so ordered. The usage of the prefix "Standing Order of the Court Regarding..." is discontinued and appropriate rescission are ordered.

New Standing Order Number / New Long Title / Previous Long Title(s) (if applicable):
  1. Ethics and Conduct of Judicial Officers / ...Ethics and Conduct for Judicial Officers
  2. Conduct of Parties, Counsel, and Other Participants in Judicial Proceedings / ...the Conduct of Parties and Other Participants in Judicial Proceedings
  3. General Definitions and Construction of the Law / ...the General Construction of the Law
  4. Standards of Proof in Judicial Proceedings / ...Standards of Proof in Legal Proceedings
  5. Registrar, Records, and Venues of the Court
  6. Closed or Ex Parte Proceedings and Sealing of Records
  7. Binding and Advisory Opinions
  8. Appearances and Public Defenders
  9. Requests for Leave of the Court
  10. Commencement of Civil Proceedings, Capacities, and Notices to Parties / ...Service of Process
  11. Ordinary Civil Complaints / ...General Requirements for Filing Civil Suits
  12. Emergency and Provisional Remedies
  13. Discovery Process and Resolution by Civil Trial on the Merits
  14. Resolution of Civil Matters Without Trial and Uncontested or Default Judgements
  15. Ordinary Judgements and Final Remedies
  16. Indictments, Preliminary Review, and Pre-trial Hearings
  17. Criminal Proceedings, Trial by Open Parliament or Judge, and Sentencing
  18. Special Petitions and Proceedings Authorized by the Constitution or Act of Parliament / ...World Assembly Membership Requirement Waiver Revocation Petitions and Proceedings + Residency Reinstatement Petitions and Proceedings
  19. Appellate Procedure and Modifying, Vacating, or Relief from Judgements or Orders
  20. Enforcing Judgements or Orders and Contempt Proceedings
  21. Conflicts of Interest, Special Judges, and Independent Counsel
  22. Judicial Emergencies, Extraordinary Relief, and Superintendence of Inferior Courts

Done and ordered on 11 May 2020, effective immediately.

Anaaxes, Chancellor
(This post was last modified: 05-11-2020, 09:15 AM by Anaaxes.)

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