The Grand Republican Debacle

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In the War Room

2021-07-25 21:52 - Alone at a table in a windowless room sits People's Commissar Amanda Tamia. The only light comes from two dangling ceiling lamps.

Tamia: Incredulously | The cowards. A bunch of damn cowards -- the lot of them! We have a golden opportunity to rid ourselves of a tin-pot dictator and the blasted Onaron back out. Spineless cowards.

The door opens behind Tamia. Enter Militia Leader Michelle Bucket, Deputy Militia Leader Victor Dmytro, and Director of the Department of Strategic Operations Siddhartha Leandro

Tamia: This is what I get for allying with a country unaffected by Rossia's meddling. 'Peace Offensive.' What a load of-
Bucket: Coughs
Tamia: Turning to see who coughed | I see you're here. Take a seat everyone. I'm sorry to keep you from going home, but Firenze only informed me half an hour ago. She won't be joining us.
Bucket: What's this about?
Tamia: Rosside Partiya.
Dmytro: Okay...
Leandro: They're all meeting at the Gostade Domo, aren't they?
Tamia: Yes, she tell you, too?
Leandro: We've got some friends in common abroad. First time they've met in a while.
Tamia: Yes. Since the embargo started, Rosside Partiya has avoided gathering in one space to prevent the wiping out of RP leadership in case we decided to take the fight to them. Unfortunately for them, schedules have gotten mixed up and for exactly one hour the entire leadership of the RP will be at the Domo, from 23:30 to 00:30.
Bucket: So we're here to talk about a strike?
Tamia: Yes, but not just a strike. Multiple strikes.
Dmytro: This is all very short notice and will take some time to set up. What targets?
Tamia: Military and political ones. Specifically, I want to see Draft 4 put into action.
Bucket: Ma'am, Draft 4 was a worst case scenario plan. The severity of the conflict is nowhere near us being able to justify Draft 4.
Tamia: That's where you're wrong. Did you think that the Ragaloo Army was just going to sit by after we cleared out their complexes? We're still searching for more compounds and training grounds, but as Leandro will confirm in just a moment, we're starting to see an uneasy alliance between the Ragaloos and the MEGAs --
Leandro: nods
Tamia: So we'll be dealing with worse if we let this fester any longer than it has. Throw in the Rossian agent we found last year and all of this starts to reek of terrorism.
Bucket: Tamia, the Rossians have tactical nuclear capabilities. You would be putting my people under that kind of fire for a plan we don't know will work for sure.
Tamia: Raising her voice | Would you rather have our people under fire when a dirty bomb blows up in New New York because our customs officers haven't checked each and every package that comes off each ship because of a dinner date they didn't want to miss?

Dmytro avoids Tamia's piercing stare

Tamia: Calmer, to Bucket | At any rate, I order you to implement Draft 4. Use whatever resources you need. | To Dmytro | I take it our navy is more than capable of launching a rapid strike against the remaining Rossian ships blocking our passage to Movisko?
Dmytro: Yes, ma'am.
Tamia: Good. See to it, you two.

Michelle Bucket and Victor Dmytro leave the room

Leandro: What do you need from me? I have to talk to some connections in Toonela, see if I can stave off a particularly negative response, but am otherwise free this evening.
Tamia: See if we can figure out more about the situation in An-Astral. My briefings are...incomplete. I'm sure that there's more that we can do to assist. Reach out to Tim, too. He'll know what to do.
Have a cookie on me!
[Image: cookie.png]
Formerly known as the North American Republics (NAR)

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The Grand Republican Debacle - by northamerican - 07-20-2021, 03:33 PM
RE: The Grand Republican Debacle - by northamerican - 07-28-2021, 12:10 AM

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