As sea levels are rising, several coastal cities in Erynia and Draconia are threatened by the prospect of floods. Today in Davenporte, Cylin; Porteländsitte, Nove Portlände; Alliet, Nourte Erynia; and Oslin, Äster Erynia, residents protested demanding government action to slow down climate change, prevent further sea level rise, and stop pollution of the air and water. The four port cities will likely be some of the first targets of sea level rise.  The protests are partly a response to the loosening of business regulations on the state and municipal level. The mayor of Davenporte, a member of the center-right Liberal Party, and the city council of Portländesitte, with a Liberal majority, were some of the main topics of scrutiny. But the protesters' woes were not only directed at the center-right and right-wing parties, but at the centrist and center-left ones as well. The Social Democratic & Labor Party faced the most criticism of all the center-left parties, especially the few local branches that had embraced third-way economic policies. "The SD&L is kind of compliant to the polluting companies. They're just letting these attacks on our environment pass. I'm afraid of what will happen to our city if they keep letting this happen. It's not right, they have to take a stand." said one protester in Oslin, Nourte Erynia. Not only are the protesters demanding action on the local level, or even the federal level, but the entire Social Liberal Union. These protests are a reflection of the work that Erynia and Draconia, a country typically known for its good environmental policies, must continue to do to stop the threat of climate change, which many believe the government is severely underestimating.