
On the Dismissal of Ramelia from the Government of the Social Liberal Union

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AWARE of the fascist nature of the political movement known as "Boogaloo Bois," who routinely provoke civil unrest in an attempt to inspire race war;
NOTING that incumbent Chancellor Ramelia defended conduct of these "Boogaloo Bois" on a regional communication platform on 2 December 2020, saying the group was "doing god's work," and continued to defend the group after being notified of the group's fascist ideology;
RECOGNIZING that fascist terrorism is indefensible and vile, and that apologia for groups which commit such acts of terrorism is not befitting of an officer of the Social Liberal Union;
REAFFIRMING the Open Parliament's commitment to vigilantly combat fascism and other hateful ideologies or organizations;
AWARE that the Constitution of the Social Liberal Union allows for the removal of officials who fail to perform their duties of office or commit other forms of egregious misconduct;
HEREBY relieves Ramelia of the office of Chancellor of the Social Liberal Union.
-19th World Assembly Delegate
-Former Speaker Pro Tempore Under Jyskmark
-20th Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs 
-27th Minister of Immigration
- Current Ambassador to The East Pacific and The North Pacific

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