Shall this amendment to the NSLeft Solidarity Pact be approved?
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Voting on an Amendment to Solidarity Pact of the NSLeft

0 Replies, 3786 Views

At the direction of the Speaker of the Union, I am putting to vote the following proposed amendment to the NSLeft Solidarity Pact:

Article 3, Section 3.1.4 will have the following clause added:

" The Central Committee reserves the right to appoint editors to oversee the publication of The Red + Black, and the right to remove editors.

The entirety of Article 3, Section 4. will be removed from the Solidarity Pact.

You may read the entirety of the Solidarity Pact as it currently reads here.

Voting shall last for 7 days. Any amendment to the Solidarity Pact is not effective until at least a 2/3rds majority of member regions approve it. Any region which does not vote within 12 days shall be deemed to have abstained.

If at least a majority of the SLU comrades vote to approve this amendment, then the SLU government shall notify the Secretary of the NSLeft Central Committee of that fact.

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