Civil Service Inclusivity Act
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An Act to establish a program in which future government officers are trained in the best practices and procedures of their desired Ministry by experienced civil officers.
Article I. Program EstablishmentSection 1. A program entitled the “Civil Officer Training Program” shall be established by the regional government of The Social Liberal Union within 90 days of the passage of this Act.
Section 2. This program will be managed by the Delegate.
Section 3. Applicants to the program must apply to the program through the Delegate.
Section 4. The Delegate must develop a program application form through Google Forms in which the applicants can apply and statistics may be collected.
Section 5. The program application must include the following information:
-Nation Name
-SLU Citizenship Status
-Years of Residency in SLU
-Desired Ministry Training Program
-Previous Government Experience
Section 6. A nation may only be rejected from the program if:
-They have been previously convicted, and that conviction has been upheld, of a crime against the SLU government.
-They are not a current SLU citizen, although this is left to the discretion of the Delegate.
-They remained in the original SLU region following the coup d’etat perpetrated in December 2020 past the acceptable date for emigration as outlined by regional law.
Article II. Program Administration
Section 1. The Civil Officer Training Program includes Ministry-level training programs within the Ministries of Domestic Affairs, Foreign Affairs, and Immigration.
Section 2. Each Ministry must have a training program in place within 90 days of the passage of this Act.
Section 3. The training program of each ministry is managed by the Minister of each respective Ministry.
Section 4. Ministers may appoint their Deputy Ministers or other current Ministry officials to develop their training program, although this information must be made known to the Delegate.
Section 5. Ministries may create, update, or revise their programs as they deem necessary.
Section 6. Programs may include outlines of best practices, helpful routines or processes, and quizzes, among other tools, in order to test the participants’ knowledge or growth in the program.
Section 7. The Minister is responsible for determining when a participant has sufficiently completed their respective training program.
Section 8. A Ministry’s training program must be identical for each participant unless:
The participant is a non-citizen and there is a concern about the security of government information or procedures.
The program has been revised or updated.
Section 9. The divulgence of classified or otherwise protected information as outlined by SLU law is prohibited by Ministry officers and program participants.
Section 10. If a security risk is identified, it is the responsibility of the Minister of that program to respond.
Section 11. The Delegate must be notified by the Minister when a participant of their program completes the program.
Article III. Program Oversight
Section 1. The Delegate, Chancellor, or Speaker of the Union may request program information from any of the Ministers without any type of injunction necessary for the release of the requested information.
Section 2. Ministers may request that information be kept classified from the public, but they must present the requested information to the requesting official in a timely manner nonetheless.
Article IV. Record Keeping
Section 1. The Delegate must create and maintain a page on the Library of Parliament Wiki which lists each person who has completed their respective Ministry program and the date in which it was completed.
Section 2. This Wiki page is to be used for reference for future Ministry appointments or elections, as well as general historic preservation.